What is male infertility? [Fertility difficulties and abnormal semen]
About 1 in 7 couples is infertile, meaning they are still unable to conceive after 1 year of having regular, unprotected sex. Male factor infertility accounts for 50% of the causes in these couples.
Male infertility can be caused by reasons such as low sperm count, immobility of sperm, deformed sperm, and blocked sperm delivery.
Male infertility [medical causes include]

Male infertility [medical causes include]:

    • Varicose veins (swollen veins in the scrotum)
    • Infect
    • Hormone deficiency
    • Sperm duct blockage

Male infertility may be accompanied by symptoms such as erection problems, decreased libido, genital pain and lumps, abnormal semen color, and more. Abnormal semen colors can also indicate different diseases or conditions. Normal semen color is clear, gray or white.

Diagnosis of male infertility
If you want to conceive, or if you find that the color of semen is abnormal, it is recommended to see a doctor for examination. Abnormal semen color may be associated with the following diseases or conditions:
    • Yellow semen: STDs, prostate infections, jaundice, etc.
    • Red semen: STDs, prostate infection or cancer, trauma, etc.
Examining your semen can help you better prepare for conception.
Male infertility can be broadly classified into five categories:
    1. Abnormal ejaculation function: the main reason is that there is a problem with ejaculation function, which makes it difficult to discharge semen. There are many reasons and different treatment methods. The common cause is erectile dysfunction. It flows into the bladder and is difficult to excrete from the body;
    2. Anoejaculation, when you can get an erection but cannot ejaculate, etc.
    3. Azoospermia: There are no sperm in the semen. It is mainly divided into two categories. One is obstructive azoospermia. Normal production of sperm.
    4. Immune abnormalities: The immune system in this type of patients will attack the sperm, resulting in impaired sperm function and difficulty in conceiving.
    5. Abnormal sperm: The number of sperm in the semen of some patients is lower than normal, and the pregnancy rate will drop significantly; or the sperm motility is low, and the rate of deformity is high, which will reduce the chance of pregnancy.
“Potential” sperm abnormalities: This type of patient has normal semen tests, but the sperm produced have difficulty entering the egg, and are often not discovered until IVF.